Tipton Municipal Utilities will be closed Monday, September 2nd for Labor Day.
The TMU Electric Line Department serves all electric users inside the city limits of Tipton and the majority of Cicero Township. This Utility operates with up-to-date equipment and the safety of our employees and residents as our primary concern. We maintain service under all weather conditions and restore service as soon as possible for the few interruptions that do occur. Our aggressive tree trimming program and the constant maintenance of our system keeps our distribution system ranked as one of the most reliable systems in the area.
The Electric Line Department is managed by Electric Superintendent Brad Cox. Brad is a Journeyman Linemen and has been with the Electric Department since 1979. He is in charge of the daily operation and maintenance and has the prime objective of providing our customers with a dependable supply of electricity. Superintendent Cox has a staff of four (4) Journeyman Linemen, two (2) Apprentice Linemen, one (1) Meter Technician, and one (1) Stores and Environmental Records Clerk.
Our Electric Distribution System consists of two 7,500/9,375 KVA transformers located at the electric substation on the west side of Tipton. This substation is owned by our electric energy supplier, Indiana Municipal Power Agency (IMPA) and is maintained under contract by Duke Energy. The substation receives energy at 69,000 volts from one of three possible feeds to the substation. The energy is then reduced to 7,200 volts and flows to our switching station located next to the substation. The energy then flows to our distribution system by way of five (5) major circuits. When the energy reaches its final destination, it is then transformed again to meet the needs of the end user.
Tipton is a member and was one of the founding fathers of the Indiana Municipal Power Agency in the early 1980’s. This was a group formed to allow smaller communities to be able to purchase or generate electric energy at a lesser cost than purchasing on the open market. The organization has grown to sixty-two (62) communities and has been a great benefit to our ratepayers over the years. Our electric customers enjoy a residential rate that is considerably less than some of the other power companies in the State. In today’s market, no energy is cheap, however, with sound management, the cooperation of employees and good equipment, we will protect our customer from any unnecessary costs. We feel our Electric Line Department is among the finest in the State of Indiana.
210 S Main Street
Tipton, IN
Mon – Fri: 7:30 am – 4:00 pm
Most of our water customers will soon receive a survey in the mail from TMU and WTH Engineering. The purpose of this survey is to gather information on what type of material the water service line coming into your home from the meter pit is made of. This information will be submitted to the EPA for their new Lead Service Line Inventory Program.
If you need any assistance with this survey, please call the TMU Business Office at 765-675-7629.