History of Tipton Municipal Utilities

Public utilities first came to Tipton in 1894 as the Tipton Electric Light and Water Works.  The waterworks station was constructed in 1894-95 at cost of $35,000 just east of the City.  A small electric light plant was added in 1898. In 1901, we became known as the Tipton Municipal Utilities and was wholly owned by the City of Tipton.  The original Wastewater Treatment Plant began operations in 1937 with the capacity to treat 600,000 gallons of wastewater per day.  Over the years, many people have contributed to the success of Tipton Municipal Utilities.  Their dedication and foresight have allowed us to enjoy the benefits of a small local utility in our community today.

Utility Service Board

Tipton Municipal Utilities are operated under the authority of the Tipton Utility Service Board.  The Utility Board is a separate entity appointed by the Executive and Legislative branches of City Government on a bi-partisan basis.  The main function of the Utility Service Board is to set policy and establish the future direction of the various utilities.

Appointment: Mayoral
Term Ends: 12/2/2027

Appointment: City Council
End of Term: 11/30/2028

Bio Coming Soon!

Dick has been married to his wife Mary for 56 years and has two grown children. He is a graduate from Kokomo High School. Mr. Klein has been a member of the Tipton Municipal Utility Board since 2005 and is currently also serving as our IMPA Commissioner. Prior to his retirement, Dick served ten years on the Indiana Utility Regulation Commission, one year as International Representative for the /BEW and is a member of /BEW Local 873. After completing his apprenticeship as an electrician, Dick served as Business Manager and Financial Secretary of /BEW Local 873 for 16 years.

Dick’s experience in the electrical field, his experience as business manager and financial secretary, as well as his tenure at the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission brings considerable wisdom and experience to the Board.

Appointment: Mayoral
End of Term: 11/30/2026

Bio Coming Soon!

Appointment: City Council
End of Term: 11/30/2027

Don McElfresh was appointed to the Utility Board in December of 2015. He has worked in finance for the past 35 years, and is currently serving as the Chief Operating Officer at Encompass Credit Union. Don and his wife, Tammy, of 29 years live in Tipton and have three grown daughters and two granddaughters. He received his business degree from Indiana Wesleyan University. His other memberships include the Sheriff Merit Board since October 2016 and the Economic Development Foundation since 2011.

Don’s knowledge of the community, his experience in the financial field, and his desire and willingness to see our community prosper makes Don an excellent member of the Board.

Appointment: Mayoral
End of Term: 11/30/2025

Management Team

Day to day operations are the responsibility of the Utility Manager working with the Superintendents of each department.  The Utility Manager reports directly to the Board and is responsible for implementing the policies of the Board.  The Superintendents are responsible for the satisfactory operation of their respective utility and direct supervision of the employees within their department.  The Utility Manager and Superintendents must work as a team to maintain each utility to the highest possible standard, provide superior customer service, and all at a reasonable cost to our rate payers.

Jim is a long-time resident of Tipton County and has over 30 years of experience in the Design and Construction of Municipal Utility capital projects. Jim works closely with Department Superintendents on Operational issues and provides leadership for all Financial and Governmental matters pertaining to each Utility Department. Jim reports directly to the five member Tipton Utility Service Board (TUSB) and facilitates Economic Development with other Tipton City and County leaders including the Mayor, Clerk-Treasurer, City Planning and County Commissioners. Jim and his five-member team report out of the TMU business office located at 210 S. Main Street in Tipton.

Joe joined TMU in 2024 as our Electric Department Superintendent. Joe, a Tipton native, came to TMU after a long career at Duke Energy. Joe is in charge of our entire Electrical Distribution System which consists of approximately 50 square miles of distribution.  Joe works from the Electric Line Department located at 891 Berryman Pike, Tipton.

Jeff joined TMU in 1988 and holds WT3 Plant Operators License and a DSL Distribution License.  Jeff has worked in all aspects of the Water Department and was promoted to Water Superintendent in 2008.  Jeff is in charge of our 10 production wells, 2 treatment plants, 2 water towers, and approximately 9 square miles of water mains.  Jeff works from the East Water Plant at 310 N. East Street, Tipton.

Troy has been with TMU for over 25 years.  He holds a Class 4 Treatment Plant Operators License, a Class B Industrial Wastewater License and a Class 3 Collections License.  Troy has experience in all aspects of the wastewater plant operations as well as the collection system.  Troy is responsible for 2 treatment plants as well as the collection systems feeding those plants.  Troy works from the East Wastewater Plant  located at 909 E. Jefferson Street, Tipton.

Tim is a life-long resident of Tipton County and a 30 year-plus employee of Tipton Municipal Utilities.  Tim oversees the existing Sanitary and Storm-water Collection systems as well as the various Lift Stations throughout the TMU service area.  Tim regularly oversees line and lift station cleaning, reduction in Combined Storm-water Overflows  (CSO’s) and assists the Wastewater Department with scheduled tank cleaning and maintenance.  Tim and his staff report out of the TMU Collections building at 1066 Development Drive on the north side of Tipton.

Emily has been with TMU for 25 years in the Billing and Customer Service Department.  Emily has experience in all aspects of the Billing and Customer Service Department.  She was promoted to Customer Service Co-Ordinator in January of 2018 and works from the Business Office at 210 S. Main Street, Tipton.

Tipton Municipality Utilities Rates

Need a quick reference for some of our most common rates? We have categorized them below for your convenience. Links to the full documents can be found in the appropriate Rate Dropdown below. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!

Electric Rates


Available through one meter to individual customers for single phase residential service, including lighting , household appliances, refrigeration, cooking, water heating and small motors not exceeding three (3) horsepower individual capacity.

Character of Service

Alternating current, sixty Hertz, single phase at a voltage of approximately 115 volts two-wire, or 115/230 volts three-wire.

Minimum Charge

The minimum charge shall be the Customer charge.

Electric Power sales are subject to Indiana Sales Tax @ 7% and Indiana Utility Receipts Tax @ 1.4%

*Purchased Power Cost Adjustment Tracking Factor – ECA Tracking Factor Appendix A.    Click here to see Appendix A


Available through one meter to any commercial customer using standard electric service for lighting, miscellaneous small appliances, refrigeration, cooking, water heating and incidental small motors not exceeding five (5) horsepower individual capacity.

Character of Service

Alternating current, sixty Hertz, 120/240 volts single phase; or three phase 120/208 volts, 240 volts, or 440 volts.

Minimum Charge

The minimum charge shall be the Customer Charge.

Electric Power sales are subject to Indiana Sales Tax @ 7% and Indiana Utility Receipts Tax at 1.4%

*Purchased Power Cost Adjustment Tracking Factor – ECA Tracking Factor Appendix A.  Click here to see Appendix A


Available through one meter for incidental lighting and general power purposes. The KWH consumption of lighting shall not exceed thirty-five percent (35%) of the total KWH consumption.

Character of Service

Alternating current having a frequency of sixty Hertz and at a voltage which is standard with the Utility in the area served.

Minimum Charge

To view Monthly or Yearly Minimum charge calculation,  please click here.

Electric Power sales are subject to Indiana Sales Tax @ 7% and Indiana Utility Receipts Tax at 1.4%.

*Purchased Power Cost Adjustment Tracking Factor – ECA Tracking Factor Appendix A.  Click here to see Appendix A

Page 1 of Primary Rate info.   Click here for Page 1

Page 2 of Primary Rate info.   Click here for Page 2

FCA Tracker Appendix A.       Click here for Appendix A

Water Rate - East Plant (City of Tipton)

Cubic FeetPhase 3
(Effective 2/1/2021)
First 300 Cubic Feet$4.103 per 100 cubic feet
Next 1,300 Cubic Feet$3.596 per 100 cubic feet
Next 6,400 Cubic Feet$3.075 per 100 cubic feet
Next 12,000 Cubic Feet$2.253 per 100 cubic feet
Next 30,000 Cubic Feet$1.851 per 100 cubic feet
Next 50,000 Cubic Feet $1.540 per 100 cubic feet
Next 100,000 Cubic Feet$1.225 per 100 cubic feet

1 Cubic Foot = 7.48 Gallons


Water Sales are subject to Indiana Sales Tax at 7%.


Minimum Monthly Charge is based on Water Meter Size:

Water Meter Size
Cubic Feet
  of Water

Monthly Minimum
(Effective 2/1/2021)

5/8 Inch302                   $12.38
3/4 Inch597$22.99 
1 Inch1384$51.29 
1 1/2 Inch3,006$102.29 
2 Inch7,998$255.77 
3 Inch 19,346$511.50 
4 Inch46,824$1,022.72 
6 Inch99,272$1,840.42
Private Fire Hydrants – (per hydrant)           $803.77                     Annual Fee                                 
 Automatic Sprinkler Systems – (per connection)  
      3 inch meter           $116.91   Annual Fee
      4 inch meter           $182.75   Annual Fee
      6 inch meter           $401.88   Annual Fee
      8 inch meter           $913.30   Annual Fee
 Municipal Hydrant Rental Surcharge  
      5/8   inch meter              $3.67   Monthly Fee
      3/4   inch meter              $5.26   Monthly Fee
       1     inch meter              $9.14   Monthly Fee
     1.5    inch meter            $21.20   Monthly Fee
       2     inch meter            $36.56   Monthly Fee
       3     inch meter            $84.08   Monthly Fee
       4     inch meter           $146.21   Monthly Fee
       6     inch meter          $332.68   Monthly Fee

When a new service tap is made into the system, a connection or “Tap Fee” will be charged as well as an “Availability Fee”.

Those charges are currently as follows:

     Connection or Tap Fee:        5/8 to 3/4 inch meter   =  $1,300.00
                                                               1 inch meter               =  $1,600.00
                                                            Greater than 1 inch    =   Actual costs incurred for labor & materials.

     Water Availability Fee:                                              =   $250.00 per connection

     Other Misc Fees:             Re-connection Fees    =     $20.00
                                                    Return Check Fee       =     $25.00

    Rural Customers Surcharge Fee  –  customers outside the City limits of Tipton may pay up to a $8.41 surcharge depending on their location and cost of service.               

Water Rates - West Plant (28/31 Service Area)

Volumetric Rate
Rate per 1,000 gallons $15.35

Minimum Charges based on meter size

Proposed Rates

Meter SizeGallonsProposed Rates
5/8 – 3/4 inch meter3,000 gallons$ 46.05
 1 inch meter7,500 gallons$115.13
1 1/2 inch meter15,000 gallons$230.25
2 inch meter24,000 gallons$368.40
4 inch meter75,000 gallons$1,151.25
6 inch meter150,000 gallons$2,302.51
8 inch meter240,000 gallons$3,684.01

To view our West Plant service area connection fees   please click here 

Wastewater Rates - East Plant (City of Tipton)

Treatment Rate (per 100 Cubic Feet) – $3.52 – Unless metered separately, the cubic feet billed per month will be based on water usage. One cubic foot = 7.48 gallons.

+ Base Rate:

5/8″ Water Meter$22.71 
 1″ Water Meter$55.04 
 1 1/2″ Water Meter$126.08 
 2″ Water Meter$216.54 
 3″ Water Meter$496.52 
 4″ Water Meter $862.65 
 6″ Water Meter$1961.03

Wastewater Rates - West Plant (28/31 Service Area)

The fees are in the process of being established and are not yet available.

To see the West Plant connection fees,  please click here

Storm Water Rates

Storm Water User Fee $13.05 per ERU* per Month

*Equivalent Residential Unit – 1 ERU = 3,000 square feet of impervious surface area.

Tipton Municipal Utilities

210 S Main Street
Tipton, IN


Mon – Fri: 7:30 am – 4:00 pm

Tipton Municipal Utilities © 2023. All Rights Reserved.