Our East Water Treatment Plant is located at 310 N. East Street. This plant is supplied by seven (7) deep wells located east and north of the treatment plant. The wells pump the raw water to the plant from depths of from 125 to 345 feet. The water comes from the gravel formations or limestone formations deep below the surface. The water is then aerated, filtered and chlorinated before being pumped into the distribution system.
We have 3 clean water storage tanks which hold the water until it is actually used. These consist of a 500,000 gallon ground tank at the plant as well as two 300,000 gallon overhead tanks. This facility can provide a combined flow of more than 2,600 gallons per minute (GPM) or approximately 3.75 million gallons per day (MGD). The East Plant can provide fire protection at a rate of 500,000 gallons in the first hour and can also provide 600,000 gallons per day operating from a 375 KVA Emergency Generator, if necessary. Overhead tank levels and well pumps are monitored by computer with a radio control alarm system for twenty-four (24) hour a day protection.
Our West Water Treatment Plant is located just north of the FCA Plant on County Road 560 West. This Water Plant currently serves the FCA plant and will someday serve the entire local area as development occurs near US 31.
This plant is supplied by 3 wells pulling water from the gravel formations and again aerating, filtering and chlorinating before being pumped into the distribution system. The maximum rated capacity of this plant is 1 million gallons per day. The only storage at this time is a 500,000 gallon ground tank and water pressure is regulated by pumps as opposed to an overhead water tank.
Our Water Department is managed by Water Superintendent Jeff Heard. Superintendent Heard has been a water department employee since 1988 and is in charge of the daily operations at both the East and West Plants. His prime objective is to furnish pure, clean, and safe water to our residential, commercial, and industrial customers at the most economical rates possible. Superintendent Heard has a staff of three (3) licensed plant operators, and (2) licensed distribution attendants. The Water Department employees are continually updating their engineering aptitude as it applies to the license requirements of the Clean Water Act.
Our water customers enjoy some of the lowest water rates in the State of Indiana. Through good management, cooperation of employees, and well-maintained facilities, we will continue to provide Tipton and the surrounding area with a good clean water supply.
TMU offers our customers the option of purchasing a “water sprinkler meter” in order to track the amount of water used for watering gardens, lawns, pool filling, or other large water volume use. The meter is read at the end of the summer and a sewage credit is given to the customer for the amount of water used. This program allows the use of large amounts of water by the homeowner without being charged for sewer service since it is assumed the water did not enter the sewer collection system. The one time cost of the water meter is currently $100.89 and is subject to change without notice. The meter can be used for several years as long as it is properly maintained by the homeowner.
Contact the Utility Business Office to sign up for the program or for more information.
210 S Main Street
Tipton, IN
Mon – Fri: 7:30 am – 4:00 pm